The ADD-ONS below can be added to the
Essential, Secure or Virtual Programs

Optional Add-ons

EIQ Essential
EIQ Secure
Passport (QR code access)
Verify (ID scaning)
EIQ Virtual
Passport (QR code access)
Verify (ID scaning)

Optional Add-ons

EIQ Essential
EIQ Secure
EIQ virtual
(QR code access)
(ID scaning)

Please choose an Add-On to learn more about it.

EIQ Credential

Navigating the realms of secured gated communities requires seamless, trustworthy access tools. EIQ-Credential introduces a new standard in this domain, simplifying and strengthening community access with Access Control Solutions.

Discover how this cutting-edge feature not only bolsters Enhanced Security Measures but also simplifies access.

The Ultimate Access
Solution for Your Gated Community

  • EIQ-Credential - The Access Solution for Gated Communities
  • Navigating the realms of secured gated communities requires seamless, trustworthy access tools. EIQ-Credential introduces a new standard in this domain, simplifying and strengthening community access with Access Control Solutions.
  • Unified Access Tools: Whether you're using a key fob, RFID tag, or barcode scanner, EIQ-Credential ensures all devices work in harmony.
  • Real-Time Sync with EIQ-Manage: Every access control tool is connected to EIQ-Manage.
  • Designed for Gated Communities: EIQ-Credential is crafted with the unique challenges and needs of gated communities in mind.
  • Secure and Reliable: Operated on a dedicated, secure network, the system promises unparalleled stability.
  • Easy Management: Integrated with EIQ-Manage, oversee and adjust access permissions, monitor entry logs, and ensure your gated community's security is always top-notch.
Step into a realm where every access point, every device, and every resident interaction is streamlined for ease and security. Elevate your gated community's protection with EIQ Credential.
EIQ Alerts

EIQ-Alerts is a comprehensive notification system designed to keep residents informed about vital community updates. Whether it's for an upcoming meeting, a community function, or crucial information that impacts everyone's safety and well-being, EIQ-Alerts ensures timely and effective communication. This feature-rich system includes:

Discover how this cutting-edge feature not only bolsters Enhanced Security Measures but also simplifies access.

Essential Notification System

  • Email Alerts with Visual Enhancements: Emails are not just text-based but also include formatted pictures, making the information more engaging and easier to understand.
  • Targeted Distribution: Send notifications to specific groups within the community, such as owners, renters, club members, or even by streets or sections. This ensures that the right people get the right information.
  • Push Notifications: Immediate alerts are sent directly to residents' devices, ensuring that urgent messages are seen promptly.
  • SMS Integration: Text messages offer another layer of communication, particularly useful when email or app notifications might not be immediately noticed.
  • Effective Communication for Critical Situations: EIQ-Alerts is especially valuable in situations requiring immediate action, such as security issues or shelter-in-place orders. The system's efficiency ensures that all residents receive crucial information without delay.
EIQ-Alerts is the ideal solution for effective notifications when communication is essential, ensuring that the entire community stays connected and informed.
EIQ Passport

EIQ-Passport represents a significant leap in guest management technology, specifically designed for gated communities. Leveraging QR code technology, it simplifies and secures the guest registration and entry process, providing an enhanced experience for both residents and security personnel.

Discover how this cutting-edge feature not only bolsters Enhanced Security Measures but also simplifies access.

Revolutionizing Guest Entry
in Gated Communities

Key Features & Benefits of EIQ-Passport:

  • Efficient QR Code Generation: Quickly creates QR codes that encapsulate essential guest information, streamlining the registration process.
  • Seamless Visitor Registration: Residents can easily input guest details, prompting the system to generate a distinct QR code for every visitor.
  • Hassle-Free QR Code Delivery: Guests receive their QR codes directly via email or through a mobile app, with alternative printing options for non-smartphone users.
  • Swift Entry Process: Guests present their QR code upon arrival, ensuring a quick and smooth entry into the community. Stringent Authentication: The Passport system rigorously verifies each QR code against the visitor management database, allowing entry only to authorized guests.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Offers instant tracking of guest movements, enhancing security and control within the community.
  • Unmatched Security & Compliance: Ensures that only guests with proper authorization can gain entry, adhering to community rules and security standards.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: The automated system significantly reduces the time taken for guest processing, facilitating faster and more efficient entries.
  • User-Centric Design: Developed with a focus on the user experience, featuring intuitive interfaces for both guests and security staff.
EIQ-Passport is a groundbreaking solution that utilizes QR code technology to optimize and secure guest entries in gated communities. By focusing on ease of use, security, and efficiency, it promises an elevated level of satisfaction for residents and a new standard in guest management. Embrace the future of community access with EIQ-Passport.
EIQ Verify

EIQ-Verify empowers gated communities with advanced driver's license data management, enhancing security, accuracy, efficiency, compliance, and visitor authentication for the safety and peace of mind of residents and property managers.

Discover how this cutting-edge feature not only bolsters Enhanced Security Measures but also simplifies access.

Verify: Advantages of Scanning Guests' Driver's Licenses in a Gated Community

  • Enhanced Gated Community Security: Gated communities prioritize the safety and security of their residents. With EIQ-Verify, the comprehensive management of driver's license data adds an additional layer of security by securely capturing, storing, and cross-referencing guest information. This includes their photo and personal details, ensuring that only authorized guests gain access to the community. This is crucial in maintaining a secure and peaceful living environment.
  • Accurate Visitor Records: Keeping accurate visitor records is paramount for gated communities. EIQ-Verify ensures the precision of guest information by efficiently scanning, extracting, and verifying data. This accuracy is vital for tracking visitors, monitoring their activities, and facilitating contact tracing in case of emergencies or security incidents.
  • Efficient Guest Processing: Gated communities often experience a high volume of visitors. EIQ-Verify streamlines the check-in process by capturing and extracting driver's license data, reducing wait times for guests. Once a visitor's information is retrieved and securely stored in the system, subsequent visits become more efficient, as guests can be quickly identified and checked in without the need for redundant data entry. This leads to a smoother and more convenient check-in experience for all parties involved.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Gated communities may have specific regulations and compliance requirements related to visitor records and access control. EIQ-Verify ensures compliance by capturing and managing visitor information systematically. It also generates detailed reports that can be used for audits and analysis, ensuring that the community remains compliant with relevant regulations.
  • Visitor Authentication: Confirming the identity of visitors is paramount in gated communities with controlled access points. EIQ-Verify offers a reliable method for verifying guest identities by extracting and verifying driver's license data. This ensures that they are who they claim to be, maintaining the integrity of high-security environments and preventing unauthorized access.
EIQ-Verify empowers gated communities with advanced driver's license data management, enhancing security, accuracy, efficiency, compliance, and visitor authentication for the safety and peace of mind of residents and property managers.
EIQ Platescan

EIQ-PlateScan, part of the EntranceIQ suite, incorporates License Plate Recognition (LPR) technology to enhance the security and access control in gated communities. This feature is integrated with EntranceIQ's visitor management systems, offering a robust solution for automated vehicle identification and entry management.

Discover how this cutting-edge feature not only bolsters Enhanced Security Measures but also simplifies access.

Advanced License Plate Recognition for Gated Communities

Key Features of EIQ-PlateScan:

  • Automated Vehicle Entry: Utilizes LPR technology to enable quick and automatic entry for residents and pre-approved visitors by validating license plates against the system database.
  • Enhanced Security Measures: Offers improved security by accurately recording license plate data, ensuring high fidelity in security operations.
  • Reduced Manual Error: Minimizes human error in entry checks, providing reliable and consistent vehicle monitoring.
  • Seamless Integration: Fully integrated with both EIQ-Secure and EIQ-Virtual modules, EIQ-PlateScan ensures a cohesive and efficient operational experience.
  • Real-Time Notifications: Sends instant alerts for unrecognized or unlisted vehicles, aiding in prompt security responses.
  • Simplified Resident Access: Streamlines entry and exit for residents, eliminating the need for ID checks or access cards, as their vehicle's license plate serves as their identifier.

Operational Impact of EIQ-PlateScan:

  • Improved Entry Efficiency: Speeds up the entry process for vehicles, reducing wait times and congestion at community gates.
  • Reliable Security Tracking: Offers dependable tracking and recording of all vehicles entering and exiting the community.
  • Enhanced Resident Convenience: Provides residents with a seamless entry experience without the hassle of manual checks or access card presentations.
Incorporating EIQ-PlateScan into a gated community's security framework not only elevates the security standards but also enhances the overall experience for residents and visitors. Its integration with other EntranceIQ modules ensures a comprehensive approach to community security and access management.
EIQ connect

EIQ-Connect is a comprehensive resident application and browser-based management tool for gated communities, offering an array of features to streamline the management of residents' accounts, guests, vehicles, and pets. Its user-friendly interface and advanced capabilities enhance the convenience and security of community management. Here's an overview of its key features:

Empowering Gated Community Residents

    • Multi-Platform Access: Residents can access their accounts and manage guests through both a dedicated app and a browser-based platform.
    • Multiple Address Management: Enables residents to manage multiple addresses within the same community, particularly useful for those owning multiple properties.
    • Guest List Management: Residents can easily manage their guest lists with advanced search capabilities.
    • Anywhere Access: Manage guest lists and accounts from any location.
    • Guest Addition and Validity Settings: Allows adding guests based on types and setting validity (one-time, today, tomorrow, date range, permanent).
    • Smart Sensing: Differentiates between service/company guests and personal guests, simplifying the information entry process.
    • Speech to Text Automation: Enhances ease of use by allowing voice commands for data entry.
    • EIQ-Passport for Guests: (Add-on) Send QR codes to guests for faster access control.
    • Vehicle Profile Management: View, edit, and manage vehicle information according to community rules.
    • Advanced Vehicle Search: Search vehicles based on key features and edit vehicle information as needed.
    • Detailed Pet Profiles: Comprehensive pet information, including advanced search capabilities.
    • ETraffic History: View detailed guest traffic history, including tags for categories, date, time, and gate entrance.
    • Guest Turnback Information: Includes information about guests turned back at the entrance within the traffic history.
    • Multiple Home Traffic History: Access traffic history for multiple owned homes per resident and filter by address.
    • Contact Information Management: Add, change, or delete resident contact phone numbers, change email addresses.
    • Notification Management: Enable vacation notifications and manage notification methods, including a "Do Not Disturb" feature.
    • Resident EIQ-Passport: Integration with Apple and Google wallets for easy access and management.
EIQ-Connect provides a versatile, secure, and convenient solution for residents and community administrators, enhancing the overall living experience in gated communities by simplifying the management of various aspects of residential life.
EIQ Manage

EIQ-Manage is a comprehensive visitor management software feature, specifically tailored for administrative duties in gated communities. It offers a suite of options designed to streamline resident and guest management, detailed profiling, and customizable data handling


  • Efficiently set up and handle detailed gated community particulars.
    • Device Agnostic: Compatible with various devices for versatile use.
    • Cross-Platform Operation: Operates on Android and Apple tablets, Windows 11, Chromebook.
    • Advanced Search: Searchable by first name, last name, address, phone, pin, club ID.
    • Resident Details Display: Showcases residents' names and types (Owner, Renter, Spouse, etc.), along with detailed address information.
    • Extensive Resident Information: Includes phone numbers, pins, sub-community, and club IDs.
    • Alert System: Displays critical alerts for highlighted residents.
    • Contact and Vehicle Information: Provides detailed resident contact details and vehicle information.
    • Occupant Identification: Clearly defines and categorizes occupants associated with residents.
    • Guest Management: Manages guest validity, contact details, and entry tracking.
    • List and Category Filtering: Offers advanced guest list filtering options.
    • Versatile Resident and Vehicle Filtering: Allows filtering by various resident and vehicle criteria.
    • Vehicle Information Display: Detailed vehicle data including owner, make, model, year, and license plate.
    • Multi-Home Linking: Links residents owning multiple homes for easy management.
    • Notification Management: Facilitates notification adjustments on behalf of residents.
    • Guest Sharing Feature: Allows guests to be shared between occupants and among residents owning multiple homes, enhancing convenience and flexibility.
    • Detailed Pet Profiles: Includes comprehensive information on pets, with advanced searchability.
    • One-Button Resident Move: Simplifies resident relocation within the community.
    • Club Member and Department Management: Categorizes club members and departments with individual account access.
    • Community Data Building: Enables users to create and edit community data.
    • Key Management and Authorizations: Offers customizable service hours and access control.
    • Vehicle Modification Management: Approve or reject vehicle modifications with predefined rejection reasons.

EIQ-Manage equips gated communities with a robust and flexible system, ensuring efficient management of residents, guests, vehicles, and pets. Its guest sharing feature particularly enhances the user experience for residents with multiple homes or shared occupancy, fostering a secure, organized, and user-friendly community environment.

EIQ Insights

Data isn't just valuable; it's the foundation of security, efficiency, and strategic planning. With EIQ-Insights, we harness the advanced capabilities of Business Intelligence (BI) to unlock the full potential of the extensive data collected by EIQ. How does it do it?

Discover how this cutting-edge feature not only bolsters Enhanced Security Measures but also simplifies access.

The Power of Data in Gated Community Visitor Management
Gated Community Visitor Management

  • Comprehensive Data Collection - EIQ-Insights meticulously compiles a wide range of visitor-related details, including entry-exit timings, visit purposes, vehicle specifics, and interactions with residents. This comprehensive data collection forms the cornerstone of our analytics operations.
  • In-depth Data Analysis: By deploying state-of-the-art BI tools, EIQ-Insights scrutinizes visitor information to uncover patterns, identify trends, and detect potential security vulnerabilities. For instance, our analysis allows gated communities to pinpoint unusually frequent visitors or individuals who may require additional scrutiny.
  • Dynamic Reporting Capabilities: Stay well-informed and stay ahead with our real-time reports and user-friendly dashboards. EIQ-Insights captures both the current visitor landscape and historical data, enabling gated communities to make informed, evidence-based decisions.
  • Predictive Analytics: The Future of Security for Gated Communities: Harnessing the power of historical data, our BI tools provide forecasts of visitor behaviors and the resources needed. This forward-looking approach empowers gated communities to proactively implement security measures.
  • Vivid Data Visualization Vivid Data Visualization for Gated Community Security: With a focus on clarity and rapid comprehension, EIQ-Insights offers: Graphical Representations: Our dashboards feature various charts, graphs, and visual tools, providing quick insights into real-time visitor demographics and traffic patterns. Mapping Movement: By integrating visitor data on maps, EIQ-Insights enables security teams to meticulously monitor guest movements within the gated community. Real-Time Alerts: Prioritizing security, EIQ-Insights instantly sends visual notifications for any unusual visitor activity or perceived security concerns. User-Centric Design: Our interfaces are thoughtfully designed for effortless understanding, ensuring swift decision-making for diverse users.
EIQ NorthSync
NorthStar Integration
EIQ-NorthSync: Enhancing Efficiency through NorthStar Integration

EIQ-NorthSync represents a pinnacle of operational excellence by seamlessly integrating with NorthStar Club Management software, optimizing data synchronization within gated communities. This integration facilitates automatic updates between the guest management system and NorthStar, streamlining the onboarding process for new residents and ensuring consistent data flow across systems.

EIQ-NorthSync: Enhancing Efficiency through NorthStar Integration

The primary focus of EIQ-NorthSync is to elevate efficiency and accuracy in community management. It effortlessly synchronizes crucial information between accounting and guest management systems, ensuring prompt and accurate updates to resident profiles. This seamless data integration simplifies the entry of new residents into the community, minimizing redundant data entry and reducing the risk of errors.

In close collaboration with NorthStar Club Management software, EIQ-NorthSync empowers communities to manage operations with unparalleled precision and ease. This tool not only facilitates a smoother transition for new residents but also enhances overall operational efficiency, establishing new standards of excellence in community management.

EIQ IntelliTicket

EIQ-IntelliTicket represents a groundbreaking integration of EntranceIQ, TrafficLogix, and intelligent ticketing technology, offering a comprehensive solution for traffic safety management within gated communities.

Partnering with TrafficLogix enhances the effectiveness of speed control measures, promoting safer roads within gated communities.

Enhancing Traffic Safety through Integration

EIQ-IntelliTicket represents a groundbreaking integration of EntranceIQ, TrafficLogix, and intelligent ticketing technology, offering a comprehensive solution for traffic safety management within gated communities.

Partnering with TrafficLogix enhances the effectiveness of speed control measures, promoting safer roads within gated communities.

Here's how EIQ-IntelliTicket operates:

  • Trafficlogix radar seamlessly integrated into the EntranceIQ infrastructure, providing continuous monitoring of vehicle speeds within the community.

  • When a vehicle exceeds the speed limit and activates the TrafficLogix radar, the license plate and speed data are relayed to EntranceIQ. Data Analysis: EIQ-IntelliTicket then analyzes this information, cross-referencing it with EntranceIQ's comprehensive community management data. This correlation capability enables the system to precisely identify instances of speeding, linking them to specific vehicles, their owners, and registered residents.

  • Upon identifying a speed violation, EIQ-IntelliTicket promptly creates a digital ticket with vital information, including the date, time, location, and captured license plate. Subsequently, the ticket is promptly sent to the resident. In cases where the violation involves a registered guest, the citation is directed to the resident they are visiting.

  • Instant alerts inform community management of speeding incidents, allowing for swift intervention, and enabling property management to review before forwarding to the resident. Comprehensive reports offer valuable insights into speeding trends, empowering informed decision-making and enforcement strategies.

  • Enhances the citation resolution process within the EIQ-Connect platform, offering residents a seamless way to address fines from traffic violations. Through EIQ-PayEase, residents can manage their citations directly through the interface, reviewing violation details and choosing to pay fines or contest citations.

    The integration of payment functionality simplifies the process, promoting efficiency and transparency.

    Additionally, residents can express their intent to contest citations, fostering a culture of accountability and fairness.

Gated community security

Enhancing Security in
Gated Communities

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