Gated Community Security Benefits

Gated Community Security Benefits

Gated Community Security Benefits

Safety is essential when looking for a place to settle in as your forever home. Living in a protected, private, gated community can put your mind at ease. Safety is generally the reason people choose to live in a private gated community. The feeling of peace is worth the heightened real estate expenses. Comfort is always something people are willing to go the extra mile to gain. Which private gated community you are in will specify the security level you will obtain. Fortunately, gated communities are usually found in low crime rate locations, which is a positive feature of your investment. This blog will primarily discuss the standard forms of security implemented in a private gated community.


When you reside in a private gated community, you give the public the perception that you are surrounded by massive security standing between them and your home. To enter the community, anyone without security clearance must stop and identify at a gate that usually houses a trained guard. Anyone who would not be welcomed into the community is now face-to-face with a guard asking questions, a gate, and an understanding that he has to get past the guard to get through the gate. With this feature alone, the property values of homes in the community increase significantly. The additional cost of a home in a gated community is realistically a small price to pay for additional security. Knowing the people you love, and everything you work hard for is protected from external threats is worth its weight in gold.

Keep criminals out of the community

Some gate systems offer much more than the perception that you have security. The primary purpose of these systems is to create a wall of protection around the community to discourage unwanted or unexpected foot and vehicle traffic, reduce crime, and give homeowners peace of mind. You may wonder if this approach actually works. The answer is yes. Quality, functioning gate systems limit access and provide physical and psychological protection against criminals.

Gates with accompanying video surveillance support

If you like to feel more in command as a homeowner, you literally have the key to the gate. With contemporary advanced technology, you, as the homeowner, can now see who is at the gate if they request access to your home. Likewise, video signals from a gate on an east coast property can be monitored by a security company on the west coast with the progress in digital and broadband technologies. As a homeowner, you can even press a button from your house to open the gate for guests, granting them entry into the community. The whole exchange is recorded if a need ever arises for it to be reviewed by the security team or law enforcement.

Private Gated communities have had great success in reducing criminal access. However, nothing you do will guarantee that something can't go wrong. Now that HOA boards are diligent with property managers, security personnel, and fully functioning gatehouse solutions, many of your day-to-day worries as a homeowner are gone.

These are a few gated community security benefits. Contact us today to learn more about our gatehouse solutions. We want to make your community safer.

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